Saturday, June 4, 2011

SJWH-NICU Wayfinding

In early May, I had an opportunity to meet with Carmen Zeno from our Security department.  Unsure of what additional support her department would be able to offer us, I devised the following plan to secure our unit.  Please share your thoughts.
SJWH-NICU Wayfinding

2nd and 3rd floor elevators will open to a secured vestibule.  Entrance into NICU through either floor will be dependent on the following steps:

  1. Visitors will pick up phone located in vestibule that rings directly to HUC/Reception Desk
  2. HUC/Charge RN will answer phone and request patient identification (Baby’s last name)
  3. HUC/Charge RN will instruct caller to wait briefly, that someone will be there shortly to allow them in
  4. HUC/Charge RN will notify PCT/PST/RN “greeter” of visitor and patient identification, then send a message via nurse-call to notify the bedside nurse of upcoming visitors
  5. “Greeter” will have a list with all patient’s names, ID band numbers, and room # (this list may have 3 boxes next to each patient, to track 3 visitor limit)

Band #
Room #
Band Holder
Visitor 1
Visitor 2
Smith, Boy-Lisa
12345 BTE

  1. “Greeter” will open secured unit entrance and verify band holder’s band, then allow the entrance of a maximum of 3 visitors (band holder plus 2)
  2. Checks will be entered in the boxes to account for number of visitors
  3. Visitors will be directed towards the patient’s room
  4. Bedside RN will have received notification via nurse call
  5. If “Greeter” receives notice of visitors for a “visitor-occupied” room, “greeter” would contact the bedside RN or go to patient room him/herself to inform band holder of secondary visitors
  6.  Band holder would then select to exchange visitors, or allow secondary visitors to continue waiting
  7. “Greeter” will either:
    1. monitor visitor exchange (assuring there will be at least one band holder in patient room during any visitation, and maximum of 3 visitors per room)
    2. inform secondary visitors of existing visitor capacity, and that they will be able to exchange shortly


Unknown said...

If the band holder wants to exchange visitors, does the "greeter" have to let them in or will they be able to come in by themselves? Often times we have numerous family members/friends who come in to see the baby. It seems like a lot of extra work for the "greeter" to have to let visitors in constantly.

monica said...

The door off the elevators needs to stay secured, otherwise anyone from floors 2-5 can just pop into the unit. Hence, the need for a "greeter" to help police that. Mindy is creating a form to give to parents, which will also contain "room etiquette." This will reinforce the 3 visitor maximum, and also the requirement for at least one bandholder. I think if the greeter knows the parent has visitors in the room, and she/he receives a call that there are more visitors for that room, she/he can call the room phone and tell the parent/bandholder of "new" visitors. Parents will have to send their existing visitors out, and then new visitors can be let in. I hope being able to visit 24/7 will decrease the mass influx of visitors we currently get @ 1100 and 2000, instead it may be more spread out. I agree it could be a lot. How can we make it better?

Unknown said...

Make the parents responsible. If they don't follow the rules then I think they need to be held accountable for that. I know this is family centered care, but we also need to consider the safety of all of our babies. I like that Mindy is making a form regarding room etiquette, and hopefully this will be enough.